Friday, March 24, 2006

the cartoons

This is an amazing lecture:

(if that doesn't work then go here: -> "Challenges of Co-Existence (Danish Cartoon Controversy)"

which is consistent with this article (not that i'm surprised)

shaykh hamza is a G

I read this a while ago and wanted to blog it...

From Imam Zaid's translation of the heirs of the prophets:

Al-Shafi'i (ra) said:
Whoever recites the Quran, his value is amplified. Whoever records hadith, his proof is strengthened. Whoever learns jurisprudence, his status is ennobled. Whoever learns Arabic, his disposition becomes gentle. Whoever learns mathematics, his opinion will be copious. And whoever fails to defend his honor will not benefit from his knowledge.

... that's hardcore awesome.