Monday, August 07, 2006

Flash Player 9 for Linux

I'm one of the two or three Quality Engineers working on Flash Player 9 for Linux

Mike Melanson is a Dev on it.
Emmy Huang is our Product Manager.

By mentioning this, maybe I could attract traffic to my blog (not that i care much for it).

I'm working on testing Red Hat 4 , but we'll be supporting more version(s), i dunno if i'm allowed to say which others.

here's some more words google can pick up, they mean absolutely nothing, they are only here to beef up my search engine hits:
GTK 1.2 GTK 2.0 GTK 2.10 make make clear mozilla firefox plug-in dot-release security release GCC C++ .cpp .h unix shell x86 SPARC Solaris FreeBSD Madrake ubuntu GNome PCLinuxOS Knoppix fedora OpenBSD SUSE Mandriva

again, those words mean nothing.

You know you want it, you linux nerd you, it's making ur mouth water isn't it, ISN'T IT!?!?!



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