Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kashif Memon

Kashif Memon's the desi guy that was on "America's got talent", i think its on NBC. Its like some american idol rip off, but yeah, he made it to the next round which will be in las vegas after they're done recruiting around the country. He lives in Skokie, IL.

What a G.

What's a "Memon"? see the wikipedia article

... and uh-oh, uh-oh, kashif memon's on it too :-)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Lookie my new professional blog


It's called "Shaykh Al-Flash Amir Memon on the Flash Platform" -- sweeeeet, huh?

Well anyway, for those not familiar with that Arabic or technical terminology, lemme break it down:

Shaykh, linguistically simply means "an elder," however because of centuries of filial piety in the Muslim world (and it still exists, AH), it has come to mean, colloquially, "a teacher", "a veteran", "a veteraned teacher", "a tenured teacher", or just simply "scholar", hence you'll have top scholars historically being referred to as "shaykh al islam".

"Al-" ... this means "The", and is there for grammatical reasons. And yes, wouldn't it be "Al-Shaykh Al-Islam" (first "l" silent since "sh" is a shams letter) if we stick to grammar strictly -- yes, but it doesn't sound as cool.

"Flash" -- everybody knows what this is, if you don't, next time you see something cool on a website like video, games, animation, etc, right click on it and you'll see "About Flash Player...", and that means it's flash.

"Platform" -- Flash is a platform, there are several tools (most of which Adobe makes) that publish flash-based content for various user and business needs. AND, another thing that makes it a platform is that it is cross-OS, flash is on windows 98 and up (which is funny because even Microsoft doesn't support win98), and mac (both ppc and intel), at least 4 linux flavors, solaris, and as time goes on more and more mobile devices. At the center of it all is the Flash Player, so it makes sense for me to be blogging about it since that's my product at work :-)